Until last year I had never heard of the non-profit organization Dance4Life. Initially, my step-daughter asked me if I had any ideas of how she could raise money for young people in Indonesia to reduce the numbers of sexual violence. This immediately aroused my interest. She told me that her class participated in the school program “Schools4Life” and the intention was to raise money in groups. What a nice and good initiative, I thought! Curious as I am, I visited the Dance4Life website and started to read what they stand for and what they do. When I arrived at the “Become Friend4Life” page, I became even more enthusiastic than I already was. The Friends4Life network is a community of committed entrepreneurs who contribute to the work of Dance4Life. They use their knowledge and their own network to achieve goals together with Dance4Life. In addition, they donate at least 2,500 euros each year. I decided to send an email explaining who I am and the concept that I was initiating at that time.

Shortly thereafter I had an appointment with Anouk, the Community Manager of Friends4Life, at the head office in Amsterdam. We had an informative and nice conversation. She told me about different projects and the results they achieve, and I told her my story. It was very clear that there was an advantage in working together, so when she asked if I was interested in becoming a Friend4Life, I said YES! I donated 2,500 euros and have been a Friend4Life since January 2019.

I also helped my stepdaughter with a creative idea to raise money for the youngsters in Indonesia. I gave her some remaining organic T-shirts leftover from a company I had stopped working for. She could sell the t-shirts and donate the proceeds.

It’s so nice when everything goes smoothly and effortlessly! All it took was listening, connecting the dots, and score..

X Yvonne