Hi beautiful, how nice that you ended up on this page. I would like to tell you more about who I really am, what I stand for, and why I do what I do. It’s five minutes reading at the most, but then you are fully informed.

I am Yvonne van Galen, born and raised in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I was born in 1977, in a household with a lot of animals: 14 cats and 2 dogs. Not for eating of course, I do not eat animals and have been a vegetarian since I was 7 years old. As a child I was cheerful and energetic, living within the limits, on the verge, that’s where I experienced the most. I had a preference for beautiful stories and was drawn to the invisible: the imaginary world of my mind. I still remember very well how creative I was. Sexual abuse was not something I saw coming, but it did happen to me. It hit me hard and I jumped over a border into a dark world. Everything went black. I became involved in drugs at a young age and also pushed limits there. I got kicked out of school and partied and rebelled my ass off. Everything was a daze. I only expressed myself in a negative way. I had lost sight of the positive me. At the age of 18, I started working and left my family home so that I could learn to stand on my own two feet. I quickly mastered that principle. So when I was fired by the Dutch Navy, where I was working, at the age of 20, I just started working somewhere else again, this time in a bakery. There’s a solution for everything. In the following years I had plenty of jobs, from security officer to administrative assistant in the contracting and legal professions. Been there done that. And now don’t think I was fired everywhere, because that’s not how it went. After working somewhere for a while, it lost my interest and I wanted to learn something new. I started looking for another challenge. I am very easy when it comes to certain things: if you are not enjoying yourself in whatever aspect of your life, you just need to make a change. I left the drug scene when I was 24 years old. That was also the moment I started to attract more positive things in my life.
I was 27 when I met Marco, my loving partner till this day. In 2010 we emigrated to the Caribbean island Curaçao together. That’s when and where I started discovering entrepreneurship. The first years in Curaçao I worked on franchise basis and rented out holiday homes. When that turned out not to be sufficiently profitable, I changed my course. With the help of a financier we bought 3 new cars and I founded the car rental company Enjoy Car Rental BV. That would turn out to be a golden move. In a few years we expanded to 15 rental cars. I handled the reservations, dropped off and collected the rental cars, ensured a pleasant experience for the tenants, and had a kind of intimate relationship with the car wash and the garage. Marco did the administration, among other things. But then the day came again that it lost my interest. I wanted something else, although I didn’t know exactly what. I did know I enjoyed writing very much. I had done a lot of writing since we were on Curaçao, mostly web texts. Somewhere down the road I started photographing the natural beauty of the island: sunsets, beaches and animals. Unconsciously I had discovered a creative flow, the correct form only had to become clear.

I was 27 when I met Marco, my loving partner till this day. In 2010 we emigrated to the Caribbean island Curaçao together. That’s when and where I started discovering entrepreneurship. The first years in Curaçao I worked on franchise basis and rented out holiday homes. When that turned out not to be sufficiently profitable, I changed my course. With the help of a financier we bought 3 new cars and I founded the car rental company Enjoy Car Rental BV. That would turn out to be a golden move. In a few years we expanded to 15 rental cars. I handled the reservations, dropped off and collected the rental cars, ensured a pleasant experience for the tenants, and had a kind of intimate relationship with the car wash and the garage. Marco did the administration, among other things. But then the day came again that it lost my interest. I wanted something else, although I didn’t know exactly what. I did know I enjoyed writing very much. I had done a lot of writing since we were on Curaçao, mostly web texts. Somewhere down the road I started photographing the natural beauty of the island: sunsets, beaches and animals. Unconsciously I had discovered a creative flow, the correct form only had to become clear.

In 2016, I returned to Rotterdam. Initially alone, Marco followed in 2018. For the activities of Enjoy Car Rental we had hired someone. The company kept going and flourishing and that gave me the freedom of “not having to work”. Financially we had our affairs in order and thus I had the space to further develop myself, without money pressure. Back in Rotterdam I started writing poems out of the blue. As a child, I enjoyed making rhymes but, stopped doing that when the sexual abuse started. At a Yvonne van Galen pace I started to express my emotions, in poetic words. It was an emotional time and writing helped me to put things into perspective. In 2017, I impulsively launched a Facebook page and began to openly share my creations: poems in combination with photos. The positive reactions I received helped me to grow confidence. A good starting point to continue the story.
During a vacation to Canada in 2018, a number of abuse-related situations occurred. They had nothing to do with me, but I did notice them. Shortly thereafter I realized why those situations crossed my path: I was supposed to write down my personal story about the abuse. At the same time, some other ideas came to mind. I wanted to create paintings of my poems and photos. I began to realize that it was time for a new company. I had a specific goal in mind and saw opportunities to build something new and unique. While I was laying the foundations for this company, new things started to dawn again: I wanted to donate the full profits that would come from selling my artistic work to a charity related to my life story. Why? Making money from my own misery is not how it’s meant to be, that just doesn’t feel right. Supporting and helping others to express their story and feelings does. And so, it would be. I was already financially independent, I managed to achieve that by the time I was 40, together with Marco of course. I have everything my heart desires and don’t need more money for myself. When I finally made that decision, everything went fast. In no time, I found a charity that matched my story: the non-profit organization Dance4Life. I donate all of the profits to them. And so, the circle was completed. I had transformed the abuse into something positive and now generate money with my artistic work to give others the chance at having a better life and future. I’m a happy lady!
X Yvonne

During a vacation to Canada in 2018, a number of abuse-related situations occurred. They had nothing to do with me, but I did notice them. Shortly thereafter I realized why those situations crossed my path: I was supposed to write down my personal story about the abuse. At the same time, some other ideas came to mind. I wanted to create paintings of my poems and photos. I began to realize that it was time for a new company. I had a specific goal in mind and saw opportunities to build something new and unique. While I was laying the foundations for this company, new things started to dawn again: I wanted to donate the full profits that would come from selling my artistic work to a charity related to my life story. Why? Making money from my own misery is not how it’s meant to be, that just doesn’t feel right. Supporting and helping others to express their story and feelings does. And so, it would be. I was already financially independent, I managed to achieve that by the time I was 40, together with Marco of course. I have everything my heart desires and don’t need more money for myself. When I finally made that decision, everything went fast. In no time, I found a charity that matched my story: the non-profit organization Dance4Life. I donate all of the profits to them. And so, the circle was completed. I had transformed the abuse into something positive and now generate money with my artistic work to give others the chance at having a better life and future. I’m a happy lady!
X Yvonne