This non-profit organization with its head office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is committed to providing young people worldwide the knowledge, skills and confidence to make healthy sexual choices. With the help of music, dance and role models, they provide a sex education and inform them about sex, HIV and AIDS. Youngsters who have followed the international Dance4Life school program get the status of “trainer” and then transfer what they have learned to other young people in their country of origin.
Dance4Life is the only organization in the Netherlands to offer guest lessons about sexual harassment and violence. During the national school program Schools4Life, it is not the teachers, but the young trainers who engage in conversation with teenagers about sex. The emphasis is not on biological facts, but on the norms and values around sex and relationships and respecting each other’s boundaries. This makes teenagers think about their own sexual behavior. They also encourage students to raise money for the development of a good sex education for their peers worldwide.

Entrepreneurs can support Dance4Life by participating in the Friends4Life program. This is a social club of people who do more than just donate money. They use their knowledge and network to achieve the Dance4Life goals together. Every year, various events are organized with an emphasis on raising extra money and recruiting sponsors. In addition, the entrepreneurs donate at least 2,500 euros each year. It is also possible to visit projects and participate in programs, of course entirely at own expense of the entrepreneurs.
Interested in learning more? Visit the Dance4Life website.
Yvonne van Galen BV has been Friend4Life since January 2019. Full profits that come from selling each and every one of the products that you find in my webshop are also donated to Dance4Life.